Tax and Customs Law

Our tax department is considered one of the best in the nation. Our tax attorneys are leading actors in national and international tax organizations and forums. Nationally, we are invited on a regular basis to review and comment on existing legislation and proposed drafts of tax laws and regulations. We provide assistance in succession matters and inheritance tax, as well as in the preparation of declarations of inheritance.

Our tax department handles tax litigation at all administrative and judicial levels. We provide assistance with tax proceedings, filing of defenses and appeals against tax claims, and consultations to the tax authorities. We have ample experience in transactions involving transfers of tax credits, as well in the preparation of all documents and contracts to document such transfers. We also provide advice on tax consultation within the national, municipal, or international scope.

We are highly specialized in tax planning, and we guide clients in negotiating, documenting and structuring tax aspects of commercial transactions, including the application and efficient use of the various Double Taxation Treaties to which Venezuela is a party. Tax planning is an integral part of all transactions that we manage.

As to Customs Law, this area of Tax Law is highly specialized and autonomous with respect to both its legal and statutory regulation and the authorities and entities in charge of its administration and control. The activity of our specialists in this field includes coordination of litigation in all administrative and jurisdictional levels, issue of answers to consultations about the applicable rules and jurisprudence, preparation of appeals and requests, as well as provision of assistance in the handling of tax proceedings related to this discipline.

If you do not have a contact person at the Firm, your initial contact in relation to this practice area could be any of the following:

socio traviesoevans

Member of Travieso Evans Arria & Rengel since 1983 and partner since 1992. Managing Partner of Travieso Evans Arria & Rengel

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socio traviesoevans

Member of Travieso Evans Arria & Rengel since 1980 and partner since 1994.

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socio traviesoevans

Member of Travieso Evans Arria & Rengel since 1992 and partner since 2005.

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Member of Travieso Evans Arria & Rengel since 2010 and partner since 2021.

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