Hernando Barboza Russian
Maracaibo Office
+58 (261) 792.0261
Member of Travieso Evans Arria & Rengel since 2007 and partner since 2011. Coordinator of the office of the Firm in Maracaibo.
Practice Areas:
- Labor Law
- Corporate Law
- Public Law
- Litigation, Arbitration and other Methods of Dispute Resolution
- Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Caracas, Venezuela. Master’s Degree on Constitutional Law (Summa cum laude) (2023).
- The University of New Mexico, New Mexico, United States. International Business I and II (2017) (2019).
- Universidad Autónoma de México. Mexico City, Mexico. Financial administration and its role in companies (2017).
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain. How to persuade? Playing with words, images, and numbers (2017).
- University of Michigan. Michigan, United States. Successful Negotiation (2017).
- Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Caracas, Venezuela. Certified Studies on Advanced Constitutional Law. (2009).
- Universidad Valle del Momboy. Trujillo, Venezuela. Certified Studies on Labor Procedural Law. Honors. (2006).
- Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Caracas, Venezuela. Specialist in Procedural Law. (Summa cum laude) (2007).
- Universidad Rafael Urdaneta. Maracaibo, Venezuela. Lawyer. (Summa cum laude)(2001).
- Spanish
Memberships and Activities:
- Member of the Bar Association of the State of Zulia, Venezuela.
- Member of several VENAMCHAM’s Committees in the State of Zulia, Venezuela.
- Arbitrator of the Centro Empresarial de Conciliación y Arbitraje (CEDCA) and the Maracaibo Chamber of Commerce (CACCM).
- Arbitrator of the Revista Cuestiones Jurídicas. Universidad Rafael Urdaneta.
- Member of the Sociedad Venezolana de Derecho Mercantil (SOVEDEM).
- Member of the Venezuelan Association of Arbitration (AVA).
- Graduate and postgraduate professor at Universidad Rafael Urdaneta. Maracaibo, Venezuela.