December 2019 Managerial Alerts
GENERAL TAX RATE OF VALUE ADDED TAX – 16% Decree No. 4.079 of December 26, 2019, issued by the President of the Republic, was published in Official Gazette No. 41.788 of December 26, 2019 (the “Decree”). The Decree fixed the general tax rate of the Value Added Tax at 16%. The Decree became effective on…
SCHEDULE OF NON-SPECIAL TAXPAYERS – ACTIVITIES OF GAMES OF CHANCE 2020 Administrative Ruling No. SNAT/2019/00340 of November 15, 2019, issued by the Superintendent of the National Integrated Service of Customs and Tax Administration (Servicio Nacional Integrado de Administración Aduanera y Tributaria – “SENIAT”), was published in Official Gazette No. 41.788 of December 26, 2019 (the…
ACCOUNTING RECORD OF ECONOMIC EVENTS AND TRANSACTIONS STATED IN CRYPTOASSETS A Ruling that Regulates the Recording in the Accounts of Economic Events and Transactions Stated in Cryptoassets, issued by the National Superintendence of Cryptoassets and Connected Activities (Superintendencia Nacional de Criptoactivos y Actividades Conexas – SUNACRIP) was published in Official Gazette No. 41.788 of…
SCHEDULE OF NON-SPECIAL TAXPAYERS – ACTIVITIES OF GAMES OF CHANCE 2020 Administrative Ruling No. SNAT/2019/00340 of November 15, 2019, issued by the Superintendent of the National Integrated Service of Customs and Tax Administration (Servicio Nacional Integrado de Administración Aduanera y Tributaria – “SENIAT”), was published in Official Gazette No. 41.788 of December 26, 2019 (the…