Newsletter January 2019
TRANSACTIONS OF SALE OF FOREIGN CURRENCY WITH UNIVERSAL AND MICROFINANCIAL BANKS Resolution No. 19-01-04, issued by the Venezuelan Central Bank (“VCB”), was published in Official Gazette No. 41.573 of January 28, 2019 (the “Resolution”). The Resolution established that the VCB may automatically make transactions of sale of foreign currency with universal and microfinancial banks…
DECISION NO. 0883 ISSUED BY THE CONSTITUTIONAL CHAMBER OF THE SUPREME TRIBUNAL OF JUSTICE Decision No. 0883 of December 13, 2018, issued by the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice, was published in Official Gazette No. 41.571 of January 24, 2019. Said decision declared the partial annulment on grounds of unconstitutionality of…
VALUE OF UNIT FOR ARITHMETCAL CALCULATION OF MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM THRESHOLD (UCAU) Joint Resolution No. 001/2019 and No. 004/2019 (the “Resolution”), issued by the Ministry of the Popular Power for Planning and the Ministry of the Popular Power for Economy and Finance, respectively, was published in Official Gazette No. 41.567 of January 18, 2019.…