Newsletter May 2019
TERM OF THE NATIONAL CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY A Constituent Decree whereby the National Constituent Assembly (Asamblea Nacional Constituyente – “ANC”) establishes the period of time of its operation at least until December 31, 2020 was published in Official Gazette No. 41.636 of May 20, 2019 (the “Decree”). Likewise, the ANC ordered the notification of the…
VALUE OF UNIT FOR ARITHMETICAL CALCULATION OF MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM THRESHOLD (UCAU) Joint Resolution No. 003/2019 and No. 023/2019, issued by the Ministry of the Popular Power for Planning and the Ministry of the Popular Power for Economy and Finance, respectively, was published in Official Gazette No. 41.635 of May 17, 2019 (the “Resolution”).…
FOREIGN EXCHANGE INTERMEDIATION INDEX Resolution No. 19-05-02, issued by the Venezuelan Central Bank (“VCB”), was published in Official Gazette No. 41.633 of May 15, 2019 (the “Resolution”). Said Resolution established that the banking institutions governed by the Law of Institutions of the Banking Sector, in the frame of the execution of the transactions of…
BANK INSTITUTIONS AUTHORIZED TO ACT AS EXCHANGE OPERATORS Resolution No. 19-05-01, issued by the Venezuelan Central Bank (“VCB”), was published in Official Gazette No. 41.624 of May 2, 2019 (the “Resolution”). The Resolution established that the “bank institutions governed by the Decree with the Status, Value, and Force of Law of the Banking Sector…
HORARIO ESPECIAL LABORAL DE 8:00 A.M. A 2:00 P.M. VIGENTE DESDE EL 01/05/2019 En la Gaceta Oficial Extraordinaria Nro. 41.623 del 30 de abril de 2019, fue publicado el Decreto Presidencial Nro. 3.837 de la misma fecha (el “Decreto”), mediante el cual se estableció un horario especial laboral para el sector público y privado…
DECLARATION AND PAYMENT OF CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL FUND FOR SPORT DEVELOPMENT – EXTENSION Resolution No. 053/19 of April 5, 2019, issued by the Ministry of the Popular Power for Youth and Sport, was published in Official Gazette No. 41.621 of April 26, 2019 (the “Resolution”). The Resolution extended for 60 calendar days, as from…
INCREASE OF MINIMUM SALARY/ ADJUSTMENT OF CESTATICKET Presidential Decree No. 3.829 of April 25, 2019 was published in Official Gazette No. 6.452 Extraordinary of the same date. Said Decree increased the mandatory minimum monthly salary in all of the national territory. The increase became effective as from April 16, 2019 and the minimum salary…
DECRETO QUE ESTABLECE COMO DÍAS FERIADOS LOS DÍAS 15, 16 Y 17 DE ABRIL DE 2019 Mediante Decreto No. 3.822 (el “Decreto”), publicado en la Gaceta Oficial No. 6.448 Extraordinaria de fecha 13 de abril de 2019, fueron declarados no laborables y, por tanto feriados a los efectos del Decreto con Rango Valor y…